/************************************* bc program: scientific_constants.bc author: Steffen Brinkmann e-mail: subcom@users.sourceforge.net comments: - published uner the GPL - contains particle masses, basic constants, such as speed of light in the vacuum and the gravitational constant. - scale is set to 100 *************************************/ scale=100 /* -- I -- particle masses: */ mp = 1.6726231*10^(-27) /* proton rest mass in kg */ mn = 1.6749286*10^(-27) /* neutron rest mass in kg */ me = 9.1093897*10^(-31) /* electron rest mass in kg */ mpev = 938.28*10^6 /* proton rest mass in eV */ mnev = 939.57*10^6 /* neutron rest mass in eV */ meev = .511*10^6 /* electron rest mass in eV */ /* -- II -- general constants: */ c = 299792458 /* speed of light in the vacuum in m/s */ h = 6.6260755*10^(-34) /* Planck constant in Js */ hbar = 1.05457266*10^(-34) /* Planck constant divided by 2*pi in Js */ kb = 1.380658*10^(-23) /* boltzmann constant in J/K */ ec = 1.60217733*10^(-19) /* elementary charge in C */ na = 6.0221367*10^23 /* avogadro number in 1/mol */ epsilon0 = 8.854187817*10^(-12) /* dielectric constant in C^2/Jm */ mu0 = 12.566370614 /* permeability of vacuum in T^2*m^3/J */ alpha = .00729735307 /* fine structure constant */ mub = 9.2740154*10^(-24) /* Bohr magneton J/T */ mun = 5.0507866*10^(-27) /* nuclear magneton J/T */ ge = 2.002319304386 /* free electron g factor */ gammae = 1.7608592*10^11 /* free electron gyromagnetic ratio in T/s */ mue = -9.2847701*10^(-24) /* electron magnetic moment */ gammap = 2.67515255*10^8 /* proton gyromagnetic ratio in water in T/s */ mup = 1.41060761*10^(-26) /* proton magnetic moment in J/T */ amu = 1.66057*10^(-27) /* atomic mass unit in kg */ a0 = 5.29177*10^(-11) /* Bohr radius in m */ re = 2.81792*10^(-15) /* electron radius in m */ vmol = 22.41383 /* molar volume in l/mol */ gh = 5.585 /* proton g factor (lande factor) */ grav = 6.673*10^(-11) /* gravitational constant m^3/kg*s^2 */ g = 9.80665 /* acceleration due to gravity on surface of earth in m/s^2 */ lambdac = 2.42631*10^(-12) /* compton wavelength of the electron m */