IE, JQuery, Hovering and Option Elements

I hate Internet Exploder with a passion. Why does it need to be such a piece of non-compliant, non standard crap? It’s not like I was trying to do something outrageous. It was simple and logical script, but it wouldn’t work in IE.

I wanted to have a <select> box that would look something like this, only with more entries (it would be over 100 dynamically generated from the database):

Next I wanted to add a JQuery script which would load a short description of each item into a div for each of the <option> items inside the <select> when you hover your mouse over it. Sort of like a tooltip, but it would show up inside of the page. Initially I tried to do it the logical way, by invoking the hover method on the <option> element.


It worked perfectly in Firefox, but IE did not even throw a Javascript error. It simply ignored the script without as much as a warning. Apparently <option> elements do not fire hover events in IE. The only way around it was to do it backwards. Catch the hover event on the <select> element and then find out which <option> was selected when the event fired.

$("select").change(function () {

This is not the worst solution – I have seen much uglier hacks. Still, the first script seems a bit more readable, at least to me. But what are you going to do. In retrospect, this turned out to be a blessing in disguise, because when I tested the original script in Chrome it did not work either. Apparently Webkit doesn’t think that <option> elements are to be treated like regular DOM elements either.

If you ever stumble upon this problem, this is probably the best way to get around it.

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6 Responses to IE, JQuery, Hovering and Option Elements

  1. Jon UNITED STATES Mozilla Firefox Windows says:

    Thanks! The exact workaround I was looking for.

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  2. Dag NORWAY Mozilla Firefox Windows says:

    Hi. Could you provide a working example of this?

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  3. Blaze UNITED STATES Google Chrome Windows says:

    Thanks for the write up, you probably saved me 15 minutes of fumbling around in IE.

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  4. Yves LUXEMBOURG Mozilla Firefox Ubuntu Linux says:

    Did anyone find a solution to this for Webkit ?

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  5. Yves LUXEMBOURG Mozilla Firefox Ubuntu Linux says:

    I tried to use your code but I do not manage to get hover work for the options.

    I think [@selected] is deprecated as of now, but changing it to option[selected=’selected’] did not make a difference.

    Strangely, in your example code you subscribe on the “change”-event, which AFAIK gets only fired when you click on the option, whereas I need it on hover.

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  6. ke NETHERLANDS Google Chrome Ubuntu Linux says:

    Yves wrote:

    Strangely, in your example code you subscribe on the “change”-event, which AFAIK gets only fired when you click on the option, whereas I need it on hover.

    Yeah, what’s up with that? This way you have to click on the option to show the tooltip, don’t you?

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